Paper Collage

Paper Collage

I’m comparing two very different methods of working. I did this collage the traditional way by cutting out pieces of paper and glueing them down to a piece of of card stock. I’m seeing how this compares to the digital version in the next image done on the iPad. I did this one first.

Textures made with NPtR on the iPad and printed on plain inkjet paper. Shapes cut with scissors and glued with Elmer’s glue to white card stock. 10.5 x 8 inches.

Digital Collage

Digital Collage

I created this digitally using my iPad. I’m comparing it to the previous image created the traditional way with paper, scissors, and glue. I made this after the paper collage.

iPad 3, NPtR and Inkpad apps.

I worked on the paper and glue version over three days and built the composition as I went along. The first day I pieced together part of the sky and mountains.

Paper collage start

Paper collage start

The second day I worked on the foreground.

Paper collage day 2

Paper collage day 2

On the third day I worked on the digital version. After completing the digital version, I added the big rock in the lower left of the analog version and deleted the thin piece of rock on the left side of the river. It was helpful to work back and forth between the two versions. The analog version got my juices flowing. I then worked out the final composition in the digital version and copied it with paper in the analog version.

There’s something special about the analog version. It is definitely a “one-of-a-kind”, hand made object. The digital version was easier to do and easier to share online and the textures are more vibrant, but for me at least, it lacks the character of the analog version.
